NDOT Estimated Salary & Benefits

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  Salary & Benefits  

Employee/Employer Pay Contribution Plan:

The employee and employer share equally in the contribution to PERS, currently 14.5% each for regular members. Your contributions are subject to withholding for federal income taxes. Your share of the contribution is refundable upon termination. A refund of member contributions cancels membership in the system and any and all rights to a monthly benefit earned.

Employer Pay Contribution Plan:

Employees may voluntarily choose to participate under the EPC plan. If you elect this plan, you pay your portion of the contribution by way of a salary reduction equal to approximately ½ of the contribution rate on a pre-tax basis. Your employer then pays the contribution to PERS, 28.00% for regular members.

Health Saving Account and Flexible Spending Account available depending on chosen Health Care Plan.

The State provides 11 paid holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Nevada Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Family Day & Christmas

Certain positions within NDOT may be eligible to receive a tool allowance. Tool allowances are based on the value of an employee's tool inventory.
The Training Section offers two programs which pay registration and required material fees for NDOT Employees to attend college classes. ​
Job Related Program

The Job Related Program is for employees who need to take job related classes offered by colleges. The course must be directly related to the employee's duties. To qualify, one must be a full-time NDOT employee in good standing. To take job related college classes, employees will need to submit College Request Forms each semester they will be taking classes paid for by the Training Section.

College Degree Program

The College Degree Program is for those who are taking one or more college classes leading to a degree. In this program, job related and non-job related classes can be approved. To qualify, one must be a full-time NDOT employee in good standing with 12 months of service for a bachelor's degree, and 24 months of service for a master's degree or PhD. To take classes in the college degree program, an employee must submit a College Degree Application, and if approved, submit a College Request Form each semester they wish to take classes paid for by the Training Section. An Annual College Degree Program Renewal form is to be submitted once a year and whenever there is a change in the sought degree.

What the Training Section Covers

There is a limit to the number of credits the training section can pay for in any fiscal year (FY). For both the Job Related and College Degree Programs, the Training Section can pay for the registration of up to 12 credits. Required materials can only be paid for if you are attending a job related course.

Below is a list of the college fees for which the Training Section can and cannot pay. The fees which cannot be paid by the Training Section are the responsibility of the employee/student to pay directly to the college or University.

The Training Section can pay for the following charges/fees:

  • Graduate and Undergraduate Credits
  • Application Fees
  • Academic Success Fees
  • Surcharges
  • Special Fees
  • Online Courses Fees
  • Technology Fees
  • Lab Fees
  • Required Materials (job related courses only)
  • Distance Education Fees
The Training Section cannot pay for the following charges/fees:
  • Performing Arts Fees​
  • Student Union/Facility Fees
  • Health Center Charges
  • Counseling Charges
  • Recycling Fees
  • Scholarship Fund Contributions
  • Parking Fees
  • Late Fees
  • Supplies


Basic Life $25,000

Life Insurance & Long Term Disability

State employees enrolled in a PEBP medical plan receive $10,000 Basic Life and Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance. LTD coverage protects against the loss of income in the event of a disability, resulting in an employee’s inability to work for an extended time. The plan has a 180 day waiting period before benefits are payable for an approved claim. The LTD payout is 60% of the first $12,500 of monthly earnings, reduced by deductible income.

Healthcare contribution (see the Healthcare contribution line above)

Voluntary Life Coverage

Deferred Compensation

Short Term Disability

Flexible Spending Accounts

Long-Term Care Insurance

Auto, Home, RV, and Renters' Insurance Discounts